When can I expect the show photos to be online?
Every photo that goes online is viewed, color corrected, and cropped at 300 DPI. This process takes time to ensure your photo looks the best it can. Depending on the show entry and days involved it can take between 2 - 5 days before they are available for viewing. If you visit the gallery and it is empty please check back.
Where can I find pricing and general information?
Pricing and general information can be found at the top of the gallery page under the "info" tab.
Can I request my win photo be removed from the gallery?
Yes, call or email to let me know.
How do I pay for a photo?
When you place your order you will be directed to the checkout page. From there you can enter your shipping and payment information.
Are reprints available?
Yes. Reprints are available at discounted prices after the purchase of the original print. Call or email for sizes and pricing.
Can changes be made if there is an error on the sign box?
Yes, email or call to let me know. I will correct it.